
At St. Bernadette’s, our Mathematics Curriculum is designed to be flexible and responsive, allowing for students to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills and dispositions required to succeed in a modern, globalised world. We endeavour to use a range of assessment strategies and real-life tasks that are differentiated, inclusive and relevant to the learning context.

Our staff participate in ongoing professional development, where their skills are utilised through collaboration, dialogue and conversations during planning sessions.

Our students are engaged and enjoy purposeful mathematics learning. They work collaboratively, learning from each other, articulating their thinking and using appropriate Mathematical language.

Staff create opportunities for two-way dialogue with families about how students learn mathematics in a contemporary environment. They regularly collaborate with families to discuss ways that Mathematics learning can be transferred between home-school-home, with real-life relevance, as per our ‘Learning at Home’ policy.

As a result of our commitment to Mathematics learning, students will have a functional understanding of Mathematics, which transfers to real-life. They will utilise a range of problem solving strategies and ultimately experience success.

Victorian Curriculum

St. Bernadette’s Learning and Teaching programs are guided by the Victorian Curriculum V2.0


Below are some websites you can access at home to help your child with their Mathematics learning.

  • Study Ladder:
  • Nrich Maths:
  • Maths Playground:
  • Maths Antics:
  • IXL Maths:
  • Cool Maths Games:
  • BBC Maths:

Learning Apps

Below are some apps you can access on your mobile devices to help your child with their Mathematics learning.

Foundation to Year 6

  • Maths vs Zombies
  • Maths Doodles
  • Number Line Maths

 Foundation to Year 2

  • Zoom-prep-2
  • Line em up
  • Tens Frames
  • Friends of Tens
  • Subitising Flash Cards

Year 3-6

  • Numbler
  • Nine Gaps
  • Mathwizlive
  • Factor Samurai
  • Interactive Fraction Wall
  • Deck of Cards
  • Times Table Trainer
  • Maya Numbers