Welcome to St Bernadette’s Primary School. We hope that you find this website a great source of information and an ongoing way to engage in the life and learning of the school.
St Bernadette’s works closely with the Parish and local community to provide a welcoming, challenging and engaging learning environment. Our learning and work spaces are modern, vibrant and engaging.
We have a strong commitment to developing the whole child – with a clear focus on the areas of Numeracy, Literacy, Religious Education, Physical Education and Social and Emotional Learning. Digital Technologies skills are also developed through a well-resourced iPad program.
We have approximately 350 students from Prep to Year 6, with two classes at each level. Teachers and staff work closely in teams to ensure we offer a comprehensive curriculum that responds to the needs of students in all learning areas.
The school motto, God Loves Us – Let Us Love God, speaks of the great love God has for each of us and of the school community’s commitment to one another and to bearing witness to the gospels through our words and actions.
We have a diverse and rich school community, with students coming from the local parish and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on our multicultural diversity and we encourage respect, acceptance and inclusion of all. The many gifts and talents of each member of the school community are acknowledged and celebrated as a part of our Catholic identity.
Students are encouraged to have a voice in the life of the school in learning, in playing and in building community and relationships.
We work closely with parents, engaging them in their child’s learning, as well as involving them in building community.
The staff of St Bernadette’s bring expertise, experience and enthusiasm to learning and to the life of this school. Ongoing professional learning is a priority and the opportunities to learn with a whole school approach is embraced by all staff.
We strive to communicate effectively with our community using various platforms. I welcome your feedback and communication as we build relationships for learning at St Bernadette’s.
As Principal of St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, I endeavour to lead collaboratively and in consultation with students, families and staff as we build a vibrant and inclusive learning community. We aim to live out our vision and values together as we look forward with hope and joy – always striving for improvement as learners, as community members and as people of God.
Brendan Gill,
Dip Teach, B. Ed, M. Ed