Under the Pastoral Care of the Paulist Missionaries MSSP at St Bernadette’s Church
59B Westmoreland Road, Sunshine North, Vic 3020
Ph: (03) 9311 2977
Email: sunshinenorth@cam.org.au
Website: Stbernadettesparish.com.au
Parish Priest: Fr Silvio Bezzina MSSP
Weekdays | Mass times |
Tuesday to Friday | 9.15am |
Wednesday | 9.15am, 7.00pm |
First Friday | 9.15am |
Saturday Vigil Mass | 6.30pm |
Sunday | 8.30am, 9.45am (Polish), 11.00am, 7.00pm
12.30pm Vietnamese 2nd Sunday of Month 2.00pm (Samoan) except in November & at Easter time |
Saturday: 11.00am – 12.00pm at the Presbytery
By appointment only. Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 11.00am